Therese Raquin - Notes on Chapters 19 and 20.

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CHAPTER 19 T&L manipulate MR and Thurs. Guests into proposing their marriage. Every character is Selfish and egocentric. MR worries about T dying, not because of T's life but because she doesn't want to be left alone. T&L 'work' to manipulate MR and Thursdays guests so they can be reunited. Thurs guests want to keep coming, the death of T would probably bring this to an end. ______ The death of …

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…CAMILLE! C is 1st a physical obstacle. Now he is a psychological/dead one. BACK HOME: T is ready for bed! L: "shudders ran though him" " holding on to the door like a drunken man" WHY WHY WHY??? Is he afraid of C? Has he lost his passion for T, therefore doesn't want to sleep with her? I think T reminds him of C. He doesn't want to be in the same room with her.