There are many different kinds of love. This is a reflection of this in how Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, George Orwell's 1984 and Oscar Wilde's Picture of Dorian Grey deal with the theme.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Love is a massive theme that can be seen across many facets of live, it is within everything and everywhere, of course it can be interpreted in many ways. Now making more emphasis on literature, it can be clearly observed how in all the different kinds of novels and fictitious writings, depending on the author the theme of love is interpreted with different aspects usually reflecting on who writes it, hence what that person feels …

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…the author's personality, to name one of a few, Oscar Wilde was widely recognised for his homosexual tendencies, rather then being a perverted child rapist, he had a huge passion for beauty and was sadly carried away by it. In the end love as a single word is too large to be referred to, nowadays there has to be a more specific sustentation for the meaning itself, otherwise you can be referring to anything whatsoever.