There and Back: An Experience of a Lifetime

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Seeing a helicopter being pushed off the side of a ship was a sight of war that the Navy crew members never expected to see. On October 18, 1974, at the age of twenty-one boatswain's mate, James Jump was departing for the second time from the Naval Station in San Diego. The USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) a command and communication anti-war ship was once again heading towards White Beach, Okinawa, "it's home away from home," (Dooley 3). Before …

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…he was not able to catch anything. The ship also organized "fun" nights for the crew, such as Bingo or touring entertainers would perform on the ship (Dooley 137). These breaks provided needed variances and activities for the crew. The ship was underway for Vietnam on Easter Sunday, 1975. What was considered to be a day of rejoicing for the Christian world, was the beginning of a month of chaos for the men onboard the Blue Ridge.