"Theory is created at the expense of Art". Does this statement present an accurate description of the central claim advanced by Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy?

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To argue that Birth of Tragedy has a central claim; "theory is created at the expense of art", is to attempt to reduce its offerings to an oversimplification of a single thematic component. A central claim is the result of a complete and settled debate within defined parameters. This is true even if this settlement subsequently proves merely temporary. To be central is to exist at a single point between the outer parameters of phenomena …

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…work ends as it begins; an insistent and urgent appeal to appreciate the duality of life, and a warning of the dangers inherent in reducing meaning to a singular or central claim. Bibliography.AN368 De Botton, Alain The Consolations of Philosophy ,(London, Penguin , 2000) Eagleton, Terry Literary Theory, an introduction, 2nd Ed. (Oxford, Blackwell, 2001) Nietzsche, Friedrich, Birth of Tragedy, ed Michael Tanner (England, Penguin, 1993) Nietzsche, Friedrich Birth of Tragedy, trans Douglas Smith (England, Oxford University Press, 2000)