Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology and Taking Science Canteen as Example

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
What is society like? Is it full of tension, uncertainty and conflict or is it characterized by agreement and co-operation? Different people may have different view towards a same situation. In fact there are many competing perspectives in sociology, based on different assumptions each perspective has about the world and reality. In this paper, the scenario that will focus on is Science Canteen of NUS which shared by students and staffs from Faculty of Science, …

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…than the food of the shorter queue. <Tab/>All in all, the Science Canteen that analyzed here is always the same. Is it conflict or consensus, is depends on how we look at it from different perspectives. Under different circumstances, we may find that different social models are more suitable to be applied with. They are no fixed rule to use whichever model unless the society is very extreme or idealistic.