Theodore Roosevelt

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Theodore Roosevelt Born on October 27, 1858, Theodore Roosevelt became one of the most famous and one of the many great presidents of the United States of America. As twenty-sixth President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, also known and T.R. and Teddy, built the Panama Canal, became the first president to ever fly on an airplane and go on a submarine. Teddy also won the Nobel Prize and served the United States with two terms …

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…it was not sportsman-like. Teddy came back into politics though. He ran for President in the Progressive side. Unfortunately, he lost to Woodrow Wilson. Teddy was shot one day by a fanatic, but luckily for him, he was dead. His time came until January 6th, 1919, when he died of a blood clot. Many mourned his death, others were happy they ever got to know him as President. Thoedore Roosevelt was one of the nation's best.