Theodore Roethke

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1 He was awarded many awards for his achievements and was very successful in life, but Theodore Roethke lived a life of heavy drinking and manic depression. How does a person live like this? Theodore Roethke was born on May 25, 1908 in Saginaw, Michigan. His parents were both immigrants from Germany, but they did not know each other before the came to America. They met in Saginaw, Michigan (Theodore, 1). Roethke's father came to America as a child …

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…America and Europe, many considered him the best poet of his generation (Tapia, 3). Even though Roethke was dead more of his poems were being published. His wife edited The Far Field and had it published and other book of his poetry were published by others. Theodore Roethke's work reflected his interesting life making it worth anyone's study. Roethke lived through a very tough life and still managed to rise high above others with his poetry.