Themes in "Lord of the Flies" : Good vs. Evil --Are people generally good or generally evil?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
There are various outlooks of a man in the novel ?Lord of the Flies.? Piggy and Ralph viewed man as being essentially good and that evil happens because something was wrong with people. Jack used power over others and believed that forces more powerful than him must be appeased through ceremony and sacrifice. Simon believed that both good and evil lay within each person. William Golding?s point of view is also represented by one …

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…of more powerful forces he used ceremony and sacrifice to calm the force and ease the fear. Simon knew that both good and evil were within a person. Golding viewed civilization as a surface covering a person?s true potential for evil. Lord of the Flies proved that dark side of human nature could be as vicious and as terrifying as the unknown itself, and even the most innocent of use are vulnerable to it.