Themes {Arthur} Miller Establishes in the Beginning of "Death of a Salesman"

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The beginning of "The Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller has many themes that he has worked into it. Weather apparent or hidden, some of the important themes are tempers, disappointments, irony and capitalism. Miller's uses his writing as a tool for expressing his political views, mainly on the evils of capitalism. He uses irony in many parts of the drama but some of them seem to be recurring and looks like there is …

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…be explored such as the family's past. What makes Willy Loman so obsessed with his past that makes it impossible for him to get on with his life. During the course of the play I suspect that Miller will twist the tale in such a way that the audience could not have possibly expected. That is why the audience should be aware of the themes recurring throughout and be on the lookout for new ones.