Theme in Lord of the Flies: Children and Fear

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Children are innocent and free-spirited; this is why they are so naive. Which in turn makes them makes them to be easily frightened. In the novel, Lord of the Flies, William Golding writes about a group of boys who are stranded on a deserted island. At first, the boys try to make a government to keep the island under control; but their fears start to govern them towards the end of the of book. Fear …

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…also probably realized the most obvious thing of all. What they had most feared turned out to be them. Fear wither in children or in adults can overwhelm us and get the best of us. But people have to remember that fear comes from a misunderstanding, when you fully understand what something is then there is nothing to be afraid of. So, in the words of FDR: "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."