Theme explanation in Bronte's "Wuthering Heights"

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Essay Database > Literature
In Bronte's, Wuthering Heights, the first chapter is a mixture of three dominant themes that are apparent throughout the novel. The themes of mystery, atmosphere and character attitude, are all set in the first chapter. The first chapter introduces themes and dominant elements that are displayed in every character during most of the work, and uses the most representative character, Heathcliff, to set the stage for what is to come. During the first scene at …

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…Wuthering Heights, different characters thrived off negative attitudes, dark atmospheres, and the mysteriousness of certain situations. Each character brought a certain aspect to the table. Some, such as Heathcliff and Hindley, brought feuding competition and a dreary attitude, while others, such as Nelly, brought a calm, unbiased attitude. No matter what situation, the characters fed off each other's attitudes, the atmosphere and the mysteriousness that were all laid out in the beginning at Wuthering Heights.