Theme Analysis: "One 16 oz. Analysis- One More Thing to Carry" An essay on Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried."

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NOTE: Parenthetical Citation is used. Selection came from an anthology, thus making the page numbers irrelevant. Please modify page numbers to coincide with your text. Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried" presents the central idea that amongst society, it is normal to react to atypical situations in an atypical way. Jimmy Cross, O'Brien's protagonist, was developed to exemplify this atypical reaction. Cross allows the reader to believe and appreciate "the things they carried" as well …

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…lt;Tab/>The things they carry are metaphors for something greater. For this reason there is constant inner conflict. After O'Brien wrote the book, he was quoted as saying, "You want my opinion, there's a definite moral here." The absurdity of the situation is presented by the way in which they attempt to lighten their loads. The struggle is ironic in this setting because of the internal quality of war that is discussed.