The world we live ans how much it really is falling apart on a day to day basis.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Fake Security Pay Taxes Vote or die. donate to the latest charity or atleast the Salvation Army, Buy car decals proclaiming 'God Bless America' or 'Support the Troops' and get a 10% discount with a military ID Hate those who are suppose to 'protect and serve' but be thankful for where you live, a place where freedom of speech has become an excuse for incompassion and inhumanity where the healthcare in the countries we despise is …

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…second language, Ebonics acceptable and give the 'dirty' jobs to those who can't speak either, and question them at the first sign of 'Ethnicity' while standing in lines at airports and banks cause you were only my friend when 'your' people weren't affecting my way of life and it's the American way to put a boot in your ass, but the jokes on us, the trusting Americans who now have their foot in their mouths.