The work of the Ku Klux Klan

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Essay Database > History
The Ku Klux Klan was a brutal, suppressive cult organization which fought to deny the basic civil rights and human liberties granted to citizens of the U.S. by the Bill of Rights to African-Americans, immigrants, Roman-Catholics, Jews, socialists, communists, and anyone else who went against its beliefs or interfered in its work. The Klan was first established in Pulaski, Tennessee in May 1866 by Nathan Forrest, just two years after the end of the Civil …

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…people have different views of a perfect race, of which all are not only wrong, but ignorant. There can be no supreme, perfect race, and killing off an entire people is not any type of civilized solution. Without variety of people, cultures, philosophies, religions and the rest of the like, the world would be boring. And anyway, who would we have left to argue with if we all looked, thought, acted, and belived the same?