The war of man against himself

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
War of Man Against Himself In order to grasp the socio-political culture of the 20th century, we must look at the artifacts of that period since they are the ultimate reflections of their time. It's impossible to breath the air of the cold war and measure the tensions of that period so what we can do is to read books, watch films and documentaries regarding the cold war. Dr. Strangelove directed by Kubrick, reflects the …

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…Fight Club (1999 - David Fincher) - Richard Reich, Dinle Küçük Adam, Çev.: Zekeriya Tiğrek, Öteki Yay. Ankara, 1997 -Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Bollingen Series XVII, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1973. -Dan Lindley, What I learned since I stopped worrying and studied the movie:A Teaching Guide to Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove. June 29, 2001; v.4.0 (long).