The use of language in the work of New Zealand poets, Lauris Edmond and Denis Glover.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Poetry - Lauris Edmond and Denis Glover Question : Show how the poet or poets you have studied this year have been creative in their use of language. Denis Glover and Lauris Edmond are both creative writers. They take the everyday language used by ordinary people and create lasting and affecting images. Glover's "Sings Harry - Songs 1 & 2" and Edmond's "Ohakune Fires" are both concerned with man's changing relationship with nature. Each poet sets out to …

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…create complex imagery with this simple language. Glover and Edmond employ imagery and onomatopoeia to display nature as a force to be reckoned with, and then contrast this with a mood of loss when man's relationship with nature changes. This theme is common in New Zealand poetry, and the poets' use of direct, everyday language must ensure a wider readership. This creativity with language makes Edmond's and Glover's writing enjoyable and relevant for New Zealanders.