The unfair Killing of the SCarlet Ibis

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Essay Database > Literature
"The Scarlet Ibis", a short story by James Hurst, demonstrates how selfishness and greed can be used for the betterment of others. As shown in this short story, Doodle's brother's perseverance comes only from selfishness, greed and pride. In the end guilt takes over, bringing out the brother's love for Doodle, even though Doodle was the exact opposite of what his brother had wished for. "The Scarlet Ibis" is a short story about a boy …

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…up with a Scarlet Ibis still alive, a Scarlet Ibis though mauled from birth, still able to interact and do good within society? Would we have ended up with a Scarlet Ibis that not only was interacting with others mentally, but the miracle of medicine was able to cure? Did our scarlet Ibis have a chance at life that his brother took away, or did his brother give him as much chance as he had.