The title of this essay is Alexandra A. Maldonado. Alexandra one of the great mexican painter of the U.s. He was born in 1901 and died in 1989.

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Essay Database > History
Alexandra A. Maldonado In 1861 to 1872, Mexico's President Benito Ju rez initiates economic and political reforms designed to benefit the poor. And from 1884 to 1911, Porfirio D & Iacuteaz was president of Mexico. But n 1901, was the birth of Alexandra A. Maldonado n Mazatl n, Sinaloa, Mexico. He was only ten years ole when Diaz was over thrown & thousands of families including Maldorado's family, immigrated to the United States. They settled in San Francisco, California. During …

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…Alexandra A. Maldonado died 1989, San Francisco, California. Though Alexandra had a rough life, he still is known as one of the great Mexican Painters of the U.S. Page 3 References M. Davis. Mexican Voices/America Dreams/New York: Henry Holt L. Hattigan.Made with Passion/Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Oakland Museum Art Department. Cat and a Ball on a Waterfall: Press, 1990/200 years of California Folk Painting and Sculpture (Oakland, CA: Oakland Museum of Act, 1986). Http