The title of the essay is "the real Bronx."

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Real Bronx When the average person living outside the Bronx thinks about the Bronx, he or she usually thinks of the Bronx as a dangerous and filthy neighborhood. A neighborhood where there are muggers, drug dealers, and vagrants on every corner. This is a very wrong stereotype that has plagued the Bronx for many years. The Bronx is actually a great and exciting place. It does not try to hide anything from you. It …

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…It might not be the most perfect place to live in, but not all things are perfect. Not all neighborhoods are like the ones you see on "7th Heaven" or "Leave it to Beaver." It is an urban neighborhood that holds nothing back from you. It has its beauty and its beast, but it is still a wonderful place to live in. I do not think I could ever give it up... my boogie-down Bronx.