The title of the essay is "JFK - A closer look". Analyse 2 theories which are presented today, one of which must be the movie "JFK".

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Note before you read the text: It may be important to note that i go to a selective school in Australia and i am told that an C here is an equivalent to an A anywhere else. So seeing as i recieved an A i think it may be possible to raise the year level a few years higher..... JFK - A Closer Look The death of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, on November 22, 1963, shocked, disturbed …

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…never expected, only two out of hundreds. Consequently we can never be sure of the question which still remains, was their a conspiracy? If so, who was involved and what were there motives? Even after 40 years where countless theories have been developed still thousands of historians and researchers ask themselves what seems to be a simple question, who was behind JFK's death? Who really killed JFK? Maybe we will just never know. By: Taha Ashraf