The title is, "Them and Us".It analyzes the problem of stereotyping in our modern society. It refers to Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" and Richard Rodriguez's "Complexion".

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Them and Us Father, Mother, and All the people like us Are We, and every one else is They. And They live over the Sea, While We live Over the way. But-would you Believe it? – They Look upon We As only a sort of They! There is a tendency among many people to categorize individuals who look, act, and come from the same background as "us", and to categorize those who differ from this group …

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…Mass media can also help to eliminate some of the stereotypes by creating counter-stereotypes, so they may encourage changing the viewers' attitude toward certain minority groups that have traditionally been portrayed in a very negative and stereotyping manner. The more exposure a person has to different groups, the more accepting they will be of these groups. People should be aware of the fact that it is easier to create a stereotype than to break one.