The three stars that were overlooked in The Little Prince - A creative writing piece where we had to write 3 star-chapters in the style of the little prince. Includes illustrations.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The three stars that were overlooked in The Little Prince Story and Illustrations by Joel Califa Based on The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery ---##--- The seventh planet that the little prince landed on was inhabited by a dreamer. The little prince observed that when his eyes were open, the dreamer never looked away from the stars for it was only a week after the little prince arrived that the dreamer noticed him. "…

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…the prince "makes you a better person, and when you are a better person..." the painter looked up from his painting and said "you are also happier". The little prince, still thoroughly amused, left this wonderful planet. "Grown-ups are most definitely very strange" he told himself yet again as he headed for the Earth. THE END If you want to see the stories including illustrations you can find them here: