The three characters that have the greatest influence on Siddhartha: Gotama Buddha, Kamala and Vasudeva.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Nowhere Without A Mentor As the journey called life unfolds, imagine what one would be without mentors. Mentor is a vague word used to describe a person who helps another, who is trusted by another, who is a counselor to another, but most of all is someone who influences another. With no mentors or guides the title character in the novel Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, would not have found self. The three characters that have …

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…finds peace within himself. The three characters that have the greatest influence on Siddhartha are Gotama Buddha, Kamala and Vasudeva. Gotama Buddha helps Siddhartha realize that peace is found without teachers, Kamala changes Siddhartha into an ordinary citizen and Vasudeva introduces Siddhartha to a river that leads him to find peace. Although Siddhartha has much help during his journey to find peace, his own strong will is the deciding factor in him reaching his goal.