The theme of the novel "Russlander" (By Sandra Birdsell)

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The October revolution of 1917 in Russia was a turning point that defined Russia as a nation. It was one of the most dramatic events in the history of the Russia that had completely changed the lives of the people at that time. The Russlander by Sandra Birdsell describes the live of a girl who was raised on a wealthy Mennonite estate. It seemed like her parents were ignoring all the troubles in the outside world, …

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…cases, people realize how important their family is after they lose one or more of their relatives. The novel tells the reader that life takes many unexpected turns and that in few hours, the life of a person could change dramatically. But no matter how bad the situation might seem, there is always a way to resolve all the problems. One should never give up and always look at the positive side of any problem.