The theme of the epic poem Beowulf

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Ever since Cain killed his brother Abel, death and murder have been a part of human society. The man always killed the other man, physically or mentally, to gain something for himself, something that may be a tangible thing such as food or money, or intangible things such as power or pride. Throughout the British epic poem Beowulf, there are many killings and deaths. Grendel (a gigantic, troll-like ogre) kills Danish thanes, Beowulf comes to …

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…are many different ways of death such as death by accident, by sickness, and by others. When Beowulf dies, it is an heroic death which we cannot see in the modern human society. The most important theme of the story would be 'heroic death.' The death of a hero, who revenges the sadness of his people, has to hit them hard. Everything he stood for that they believed in is now gone with him.