The the denial of the 'american dream' that was set upon slaves.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
The "American Dream" is an idea that originated from the Pilgrim Fathers and has remained in American society. It is the belief that America is the land of opportunity where everyone can be "great." The word "dream" is in fact probably the best way to describe the belief. It can suggest something wonderful to look forward to achieving, or, it may imply that something is only a dream, something that is impossible to achieve. In 1492 …

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…med longer than before Relief came in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln, a leader in abolition, was elected President. Lincoln was a man of strong morals that saw everyman as a person that had great potential to do anything. He proved his ethics when he delivered the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862. This freed slaves in the Union. Slaves were no more, they were not seen equally as a white man, but they were free. It was a start.