The study of FDI

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Require: 1 advantage and disadvange of FDI 2 FDI<Tab/>Compared by exporting, licensing and wholly-owned subsidiary 3The factors of international manufacturing business consider in deciding among three Introduction: It has become an important development tool for both developed and developing countries to attract foreign direct investment (FDI). Most investors of foreign investment have been attracted from the developed countries of the world, in industrial sectors such as large, technology-intensive enterprises as well …

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…actions discourage FDI (through direct controls on foreign capital or repatriation of profits). There are now falling barriers to trade which means that the level of exports are increasing but that does not mean FDI is slowing down. FDI almost provides certainty for firms because it enables them to be in charge of their own operations in overseas markets. FDI is something that will always be changing; more firms in more countries will undertake FDI.