The story of sneakers &sandals, a little incident of elementary school life, about how the little me trying to conform.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The story of sneakers & sandals "Look people, she is wearing slippers to school again," Suen Li, the little boy who sat next to me, was pointing at my feet and shouting excitedly, with a look on his face which I could say had 100% similarity with the look on Columbus's face when he first discovered the new land of America. "Shut up! I have told you many times that these are NOT slippers, they …

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…Although it is too late to feel guilty about arguing with my mother over such a small incident, and regret being a diffident conformist when I had something different with the crowd, it is not too late to realize my mother is right all along, she is the one who really tries to teach me that following the flow is shallow, sometimes we need to insist our own opinion, to stand up and assert ourselves.