The story of a man named Shirl - the life and times of Graeme "Shirley" Strachan (from Skyhooks)

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Million Dollar Riff The story of a man named Shirley Graeme Strachan was born in East Malvern on January 2, 1952. He went to Mt Waverley High, and decided to become a carpenter when the only subject he passed in form 4 was woodwork. He had scraped through the first two years of high school pretty smoothly, with the exception of non-favoured subjects such as French. "I used to cause teachers a lot of trouble sometimes, either through …

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…interests. He became a radio personality. He recorded a rock album for TV sales specialist Hammard and took part in Skyhooks reunions. Eventually he joined channel nine's Our House team as their resident handyman - putting together his skills as a carpenter and a television personality. <Tab/>On August 29, 2001 Shirl's helicopter, which he was learning to fly, crashed into Mt Alexander, near Kilroy, northwest of Brisbane. Graeme 'Shirley' Shrachan died instantly.