"The song of Roland"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Main Characters: Charlemagne- the Christian, Frank king who is notably an ally to the Pope and great Conqueror. He was also known as Charles the Great. Roland- The "hero" of The Song of Roland. Not much is known from him in a historical standpoint. Roland's tragic flaw is pride. Oliver- Roland's best friend and advisor. Oliver is very brave and noble. He attempts to urge Roland to blow his Oliphant to reach the Franks Plot …

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…time the emir of Babylon, Baligant, arrives in Spain to help Marsilla with the Frankish problem. Baligant and his humongous army go to fight with Charlemagne's franks. They meet on the battlefield at Roncesvals. Charlemagne kills Baligant and the Muslim army scatters. The Franks take the city and then go back to their home in France, with Marsilla's wife Bramimonde. They franks discover Ganelon as a trader and sentence him to the most painful death.