The social welfare state

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The social welfare state that existed for over 60 years in the United States, AFDC in particular, failed to lift its recipients out of poverty, or encourage them to leave poverty behind on their own. (Epstein, 1997) AFDC and other welfare entitilement programs merely eased poverty. (Epstein, 1997) They provided some financial assistance to many people temporarily, and many others for extended periods of time, but in either case they provided no real incentive to work. (Epstein, 1997) For …

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…A success to trumpet and protect." National Review. pp. 37-39 Murray, S. (1999, August 4). "Poverty seen rising for some children after welfare act." Wall Street Journal. pp. A4. Stanfield, R. (1996, August 3). "This reform may not be the answer." National Journal. pp. 1664. Stoesz, D. (1999, May/June). "Unraveling welfare reform." Society. pp. 53-61. Tanner, M. (1996) The End Of Welfare. Washington D.C.: Cato Institute. Wallace-Wells, B. (2000, January 21). "More families seek food aid, study says." Boston Globe. pp. B2.