The social economic and ethical consequences of current uses of computing.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
The social economic and ethical consequences of current uses of computing. Modern uses of computing have many beneficial functions within employment and businesses. The internet is a valuable source for advertising businesses, with roughly 100, 000, 000 more people surfing the web than watching television the internet has become an invaluable medium for advertisements. Businesses are able to setup their own websites with memorable . COM domain names on which they can explain the functions or products of the …

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…password or key from the subject or by cracking a weak system. Where they failed, they made their case through other evidence such as hard copies of encrypted documents, other paper documents, unencrypted conversations and files, witnesses, and information acquired through other surveillance technologies such as bugs. There were also several court orders for wiretaps that were frustrated because of encryption. This technology can also be used by terrorist making it a very serious threat.