The side effects of urbanization and immigration

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Essay Database > History
The Side Effects of Urbanization and Immigration In the times of urbanization, changes and improvements occurred hand-in-hand with the arrival of immigrants. Anti-immigration acts, problems that resulted from overcrowded cities, political machines, and the Civil Service Commission, are just some of the side affects that urbanization and immigration has brought about to the United States in 1850 to 1940. Twenty million Europeans immigrants, two hundred thousand Chinese immigrants, two hundred sixty thousand Caribbean immigrants, and a million …

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…of 1883. This act created the Civil Service Commission. The Civil Service Commission gave out government jobs according to merits not loyalty. All in all, immigration and urbanization has its advantages and disadvantages, it created anti-immigration acts, problems that resulted from overcrowded cities, political machines, and the Civil Service Commission. Such changes were what United States had to go through in the years between 1850 to 1940 in order to reach the next step of becoming a country.