The self-analysis of your personality.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
There are many different theories on personality and many different approaches. I am going to talk about the Trait, Cognitive, and Motivational approaches and how they apply to me as an individual. TRAIT APPROACH Trait theory is based on several assumptions. The first assumption is that any difference between people that is seen as significant will have a name. The second is that these names, knows as traits, and are conceived of as continuous dimensions. …

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…desires that I be aggressive and physical, so my ego lets me be aggressive, but lets my Superego tell me that I can't be so aggressive that harm or offend another person. I have now explained the three major approaches to personality, and described a theory of each, and how they relate to me. Out of all the research I did, I found that the FFM was the most accurate in describing who I am.