The second half of the nineteenth century was the height of the American Industrial Revolution.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The second half of the nineteenth century was the height of the American Industrial Revolution. The United States was looking to become one of the largest industrial powers in the world. This would eventually transform the lives of millions of working Americans, as many of the American industrial workers' lives were impacted by technological advancements and immigration in the time-period between 1865 and 1900. The atmosphere and working conditions that these industrial workers worked in were constantly …

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…to come home with a meager amount of money. Immigrants also had a weighty impact on American industrial life, as the "native" Americans, who seemed to forget that they experienced the same hate when they first immigrated, felt their jobs to be threatened. The lives of millions of working Americans would be transformed, and help pave the way for a modernized nation, as America would become one of the largest industrial powers in the world.