The scarlet letter

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The Scarlet "A" In the novel, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hawthorne shows the reader the different meaning of the scarlet "A" from the different points of views which are symbolized by the characters and by the changing meaning of the scarlet letter. Each character plays a different role towards the meaning or symbolism of the scarlet letter. The characters also have meaning behind their names, such as Hester, Arthur Dimmesdale, and especially Pearl. …

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…Literature. Chicago; The University of Chicago Press.1953. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. Bantam Books, New York, New York, 2003 Kristin Herzog. "The Scarlet A: Aboriginal and Awesome." Women, Ethics, and Exotics: Images of Power in Mid-Nineteenth-Century American Fiction. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1983. 7-16. Rpt in 1990. Pennell, Melissa McFarland. Student Companion to Nathaniel Hawthorne. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1999. Symbols, Society and the Individual. 1 Oct 2003 < Courses/English34lgs/FinalPaper/LisaProposal.html>