The role of the press in Watergate: "The Washington Post played a key role in informing the public on Watergate, the most infamous of our nation's scandals..."

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The Washington Post played a key role in informing the public on Watergate, the most infamous of our nation's scandals. Despite backlash from people in high places, the Post would not concede defeat. Two reporters in particular stood out for their excellence in investigative journalism. Bob Woodward, along with his colleague, Carl Bernstein, began an investigation into the burglary of the Democratic Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel. Bob Woodward, a Yale Alumnus, grew up in …

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…becoming assistant managing editor of the metro section in 1979. These two reporters, along with the Washington Post, exemplify what the media holds to be their mission: give the people the truth they need to know, no matter what. Their courage helped to bring down the president in a modern day David and Goliath fashion. Watergate will always reflect the notion of the power of the people; the government works for us, not us for them.