The role of media in Vietnam.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
During the Vietnam War, the media's role was very misconstrued by the American public. Some saw it as simple marketing; find the most compelling stories to gain more viewers. Others saw it as propaganda, using video feed to sway the public opinion, while others saw it as the raw truth, whether it was good or bad. But it is still to this day questionable as to what the media's intensions were. I believe that the …

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…such as these have lowered moral in my eyes just like the media did in Vietnam. What the media did was not very uncommon it seems. Whether it is brutal, provocative, or utterly controversial the media has assumed the role of providing entertainment for its viewers. In my eyes, the medias ultimate role is to keep television and newspaper ratings up, even if this means sacrificing factual information that does not have as much 'dirt'.