The role of globalization in Canada and Egypt.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The push and pull of global forces is a factor common to every country in the world. In the struggle for power, even richer countries fall prey to corporate interest, arduous and effectual decision-making, and sometimes even devastation. While the global community can act as a positive force, both Canada and Egypt experience their downsides on a daily basis. However, assessing the negative and positive aspects of globalization, in addition to the foreign policies of …

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…implanting MNCs and refusing to promote human rights, is it proper to say that the government of that oppressed country is at fault? Is it the fault of poorer democracies if they cannot catch up financially to bridge the gap between the world's rich and poor? The answer to both questions is a resounding "no". Ultimately, a country's foreign policy is not an aspect its government alone decides -- it is what the world decides.