"The role and stance of the narrator Nick Carraway"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"The role and stance of the narrator Nick Carraway" Despite the title, Nick Carraway is the first character we meet, and Appropriately his role in The Great Gatsby is crucial; without him the Story would lack balance and insight. The first chapter is primarily Dedicated to establishing his personality and position in the book, Then moving on to Tom and Daisy. Nick is our guide in The Great Gatsby; he relates the story as he …

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…us with his thoughts and his perceptions, it is hard for him not to be. He is the character the reader leaves the story feeling they understand and whose actions and judgements they support, unlike Gatsby. He is the narrator but his involvement in the events, no Matter how much he tries to stay objective, make a difference. Fitzgerald sets up Nick Caraway's role as a character in his own Right, not just Fitzgerald's mouthpiece.