The rivers of Red River run red with the blood of Thomas Scott! Opinioned Essay on the Red River Rebellion and the Execution of Thomas Scott: Canadian History

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Just yesterday a worthy man was viciously murdered by filthy half breeds on the account of treason. I ask you how this is possible when this loyal servant of the Queen was trying diligently to protect the rights of other loyal citizens. He was fighting against the false and unjust government wrongly set up to rebel against the true government and our noble Queen. It is indeed a sad day when the half breeds, the …

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…an innocent man was killed, maybe Riel felt he had to prove a point but he had no right. Many people want revenge, Riel the filthy half breed should be sentenced to death and hanged. Hopefully in the future people will respect Scott for the sacrifice he made for we all now realize how far the Métis have gone and something will be done about it, Scott is a true hero.