The rise of violent crime in Canada

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Violent crime in Canada is on the rise in Canada as well as the types of violent crimes being committed against the public. It has been on the rise for many, many years. I believe and intend to prove in the following essay that it is societies responsibility for the rise of violent crime with their unwillingness and inability to effectively deal with the current trend in our society. In the last few years, a …

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…Press, 1985. Johnson, Holly. Violent Crime. Canadian Social Trends. Larsen,Nick. The Candian Criminal Justice System. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 1995. Macionis, John J.. Sociology. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1994 Roberts, Albert R.. Critical Issues in Crime and Justice. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 1994. Siverman, Robert A., Teevan, James J.. Crime in Canadian Society. Toronto, Canada: Butterworth and Co. Ltd., 1975. Sociology 3209 YA Social Change and Collective Behaviour Essay on The rise of violent crime in Canada