The repression of the first amendment, and the alternatives to censorship.
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Americans used to appreciate the First Amendment. We had a real soft spot for the idea that speech should be safe from the interference by those in power. The first of our rights, freedom of _expression, was fundamental to how we defined ourselves as a nation and as individuals. Sometime in the mid-1980s, we began to hear angry citizens announce that they no longer believed that the freedoms of speech are being used the
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confusion of the subject matter to let a person rationally except why the subject matter is wrong. This is a more effective way of teaching people what to say or watch without infringing on their First Amendment rights, rather than just imposing more elaborate limits on the speech that we do not want to hear. These limitations are infringements against the First Amendment, and therefore should be deemed more inappropriate than what they are limiting.
confusion of the subject matter to let a person rationally except why the subject matter is wrong. This is a more effective way of teaching people what to say or watch without infringing on their First Amendment rights, rather than just imposing more elaborate limits on the speech that we do not want to hear. These limitations are infringements against the First Amendment, and therefore should be deemed more inappropriate than what they are limiting.