The reasons for the South's secession from the Union and the reasons for the Civil War

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Between 1848 and 1861 there were many issues the northern and southern states of America were disagreeing on. These disagreements eventually led to the Civil War. The common myth of the Civil war is that it was a war fought over the issue of slavery. So if slavery was not the reason for the war, what was? The war was fought to preserve the union, to keep the United States as one. Understanding the reasons for the …

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…and South, the Dred Scott decision, the Fugitive State Law, and the election of Abraham Lincoln, its easy to see that a war was brewing for quite some time. The Civil War was a war fought to keep America united and not a war over slavery as it is commonly believed to be. The events between 1848 and 1861 clearly show just how vast the gulf between the North and South was before the war took place.