The real tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet" is that everyone loses

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, it was said that the real tragedy is that everyone loses. Clearly the theme of loss frequently confronts each character in their own ways such as their death, loved ones death and star-crossed love. However it is most strikingly developed through the main characters; Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, Mercutio, Capulet and Montague who seem to be affected by the theme of lost much more personally than other characters. Yet, throughout …

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…affecting each character. But even though the play may seem like a tragedy as many characters die in the end, they still lived their lives and had their optimistic experiences. Romeo and Juliet with their passionate love for each other, defying their family names for love, Mercutio with his candid personality and Capulet and Montague ending their ancient grudge. Therefore it is incorrect to brand this play to be a tragic love story about loss.