The purpose of this short essay was to explain using a quote from the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck an example of man's inhumanity to man.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Grapes of Wrath is a good example of mans inhumanity to man. One quote that John Steinbeck uses to describe this is when the Joads first arrive at the government camp. Ma says: "We're Joads. We don't look up to nobody. Grampa's grampa, he fit in the Revolution. We was farm people till the debt. And then--them people. They done somepin to us. Ever' time they come seemed like they was a-whippin' me--all of …

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…a nice society. The people all help each other out and are kind to each other. Rather than trying to keep on another down in order to stay on top, they help everyone rise to happiness. That seems to be they key idea. Outside the government camp the officers and landowners are keeping the poor down so they can stay on top. This is the foundation for all the cruelty: fear of losing their position.