The provisions of the Hamilton' s "Report on the Public Credit".

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Essay Database > History
Alexander Hamilton (1755 - 1804) plunged into revolutionary action soon after this arrival in New York from the West Indies in 1773. He served in the Continental Army and then in the Continental Congress. He, being an advocate of a strong and centralized government, wrote many of the Federalist essays that promoted the new constitution. Hamilton participated in the Constitutional Convention. When George Washington became president, he appointed his intelligent and energetic ex-aide-de-camp (Hamilton) the position of the …

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…economy out of debt. In order to do this, he reissued bonds, combined the debts of the states with the nation's debt, created a national bank, and put tariffs on imports. Today, Hamilton's financial plan still remains in effect. Federal Bonds are still issued by the government. These federal bonds now used in the 20th century were developed by Hamilton in the 1970s. Unfortunately, Hamilton died after a fatal duel with Aaron Burr on July 11, 1804.