The progressive party moderated the backlash of the workers' socialist movement and prevented fall of the American capitalist system.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
According to historians, the rise of progressivism at the turn of the century preserved the capitalist system. Explain this statement. You will need to discuss the nature of the American capitalism at the time, the threat to its continued existence, and the composition of the progressive party. <Tab/>"God gave me my money," averred John D. Rockefeller. Men such as John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie controlled the American economy at the …

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…workers for so long. <Tab/>The progressive party moderated the backlash of the workers' socialist movement and prevented fall of the American capitalist system. The progressive party rescued the capitalist system at its darkest hour and preserved the capitalist system that made America great. It protected the ingenuity, the creativity, and the vision, which marked America from the beginning and thereby allowed America to grow into the colossus it is today.