The progress of freedom.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Does peace mean progress? Is the disappearance of war a sign of improvement or of decay? At a yet recent date learned men, their eyes to their microscopes, were teaching us that among the various kinds of living creatures they had studied, war was the rile; that where struggle ceased, life ceased; and that, since more beings came into the world than the world could feed, the destruction of the weakest was both a necessity …

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…our land. All forms of freedom are interrelated. Together they all constitute a systematic and harmonious whole; there is not one of them that, when proven true, would not help to prove the truth of the others. But you are acting like a mechanic who is nothing. One is tempted to cry out: "Show me the other piece; make them move together; the action of one is explained by the action of all the others."