The process of globalisation in the last quarter of a century is without historical precedent. Do you agree?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The process of globalisation in the last quarter of a century is without historical precedent. Do you agree? Globalisation is a wildly popular subject of discussion in today's literature. It is a phenomenon which has many different dimensions, which include economic, cultural, environmental and political issues. There is a wide spectrum of different opinions about its origins, present effects and future outcomes. Moreover, almost every globalisation aspect is a subject of a very heated academic …

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…amp;lt;Tab/>Obstfeld M. and Taylor A., 1997, "The Great Depression as a Watershed", NBER Working Paper 5960. 8)<Tab/>Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. M.,1995, "Economic reform and the process of global integration", Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. Appendices. All the graphs taken from WDI 1999, IMF. Figures 2 and 3 show a strong correlation between the growth of international economic flows and the liberalization of foreign economic policies around the world.